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My pregnant cat is in the last stages...


QUESTION: But she seems to be showing not alot of sign that she is ready to have her kittens, she has a cardboard box she shows alot of intrest in and she tends to like my bed to nest on lol, i was told once i can feel them kicking and moving about she will have about a week to go, this is now a week and 4 days. Shes sleeping alot more and eating loads. The kittens are like little footballers in there and she sometimes looks agitated by them and sometimes cant get her self comfy on a night. Is she ok? What shall i expect her to do before she has them?


ANSWER: Hi Rachel Sometimes cats do not show many signs until they actually start labour. Showing interest in the box is certainly a good sign and most cats deliver about a week after they start spending time in the box. When she actually goes into labour you will notice that she is a lot more meowy and will probably follow you around more. She will go in and out of the box and in and out of the litter box. She will be restless and will not be interested in food. She will have a vaginal discharge and sometimes the kittens will be less active. How far along is she? Most cats deliver between 65-69 days gestation.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thing is she doesn't meow she never has done since shes been little, we have no idea why she just opens her mouth lol. I tried to see if there was any discharge but she doesn't like me going anywhere near her back end. Also she eats as much as she can all day and night if she has the chance. I am not sure how far along she is as she got got caught, we didn't plan her to get pregnant shes 10 month old and was booked into the vets to be spayed but got caught.
Thanks Rachael

Hi Rachel, Well I tell people that about 3 weeks after you can feel movement is when the cat is due. I also usually find that when the cat is so big that you can't imagine she can get any bigger she delivers about 4 days after that! :) So I guess with your cat since you don't know when she was bred etc that you will just have to wait. You can take her to the vet for an ultrasound and that will tell you more accurately when she is due if you like.. but otherwise you will just have to wait...
I have cats that do not meow also. It is a breed trait in the abyssinians and some other cats. BUT, when they are in labour you hear them ! So, it will be interesting to see if your cat becomes loud also !