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my cats behavior


My three year old neutered tabby started about 6 months ago walking on us and using all four feet
pushing up and down on us and looking like he is in a trance. If you touch him while he is like this he gives a low growl or jumps off right away. Do you
know why he is doing this?  I know cats do this to get a bed spot nice but after he does this he come out of the trance and jumps off of us.


That behavior is a new one on me. If, while he is doing this behavior he is making kneading motions with his front paws, this is a sign of high affection.  Why he jumps off is beyond me.

On the other hand, if this behavior is fairly recent, I would wonder if there is a medical condition at the root.  I would have him checked out, just in case, especially his thyroid values.

Please let me know what you find, if anything!!!!!

Best regards... Norm