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7 week old kittens with digestion problems


We have two 7 week old long haired tortoishell kittens. They have a small (poo) problem. When they poo it is very watery, and get stuck in their long hair,we want to know what we can do to make the poo harder. We feed them only wishkas pellets.

Hi Ruan,

Two things. Worm them and change their food. Something is not agreeing with them. I like Purina One kitten food. It is a good dry food. Make sure you make the changeover gradually or they will get sick. Add a little of the new food to the old everyday until you are feeding them just the Purina One. If they throw up cut back a little on the new stuff until their systems adjust toot.And then continue with the changeover.Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen