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Dental question?


My cat has gingivitis.  I found out 2 months ago when we were in the ER for a large absess on his neck.  I have been to my vet yearly and this was the first time I was told my cat had a gum problem.  It has been 2 months from the diagnosis and now he is not eating much.  He has lost 2 lbs in the past month and a half.  I took him to the vet today because he is very weak looking and for the past week even with soft or liquid food he does something very bizarre.  He starts eating or drinking and then stops and runs away upset.  My vet has ran a full blood panel on him and I will hopefully know more on Monday (2 days from now)  Do you think the gingivitis is causing even pain with drinking?  

Hello, and sorry I couldn't answer before, I was flat out between work and family stuff.

By this time you have probably gotten the results of the blood panel. This sounds like it might be something systemic on top of the gingivitis. How old is your cat? Was anything prescribed for the gingivitis?

Whatever this is, it is definitely serious and you did the right thing by taking him in. At this point I can probably be more help to you if you want to email me directly and tell me what the results were. I don't make this kind of offer often but I think I can be more use if I have access to more information, plus have a feeling you may need some extra support as you deal with this. So if you want to write to me at, and tell me more, go ahead.

I expect a very long and intense day at work today but I will check my email around lunchtime and write back if I have heard from you.
