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Cats acting very odd today...



I have a 3.5 year old (white/orange) cat named Stewart.  He has always been a weirdo, but still normal... just a hyper/crazy cat. But today he seems like something is wrong. Just an indoor cat, but we live on the 3rd floor and its 90 degrees out now, he seems like he's being lethargic and almost angry too.  He has been in and out of his litterbox 3-4 times already, only went "to the bathroom" once though. He's walking around crying and hissing (only when one of us goes near him).  When he goes to sit in his usual stance (front legs straight, back ones down, sitting on his butt), he looks like he's not going all the way down on his butt, as if it hurts.  He wont move his front legs at all, even when i try to play with him with yarn (he ALWAYS at least lifts his paw to bat it away) but he's doing nothing.  Just sitting there.

His eyes look like he's tired. He ate fine, etc. Could it be the whether being too hot?  But what would explain the butt-situation?  

Something is wrong, but I dont have the money to bring him to a animal hospital unless its really really serious... if it was, wouldnt he be crying all the time (not just when we are near him)? I mean, he did eat this morning like usual, and did go to the bathroom... but something is odd today. What can I do? What do you think it is?

Thanks so much for any and all help!!!


Hi Tom!
I think this is definetley a trip to the Vet.  Male cats can get stopped up and are not able to pee.  When this happens, they will frequent the litter box more often, and you can sometimes see them strain.  He is not acting himself because he feels bad.  I think his stance his off because he is hurting and cannot get comfortable.  I could be wrong on this, but I think you really should take him in.  When cats get stopped up, it is fatal if nothing is done about it.  The Vet can "flush" him out.  Please take him in.

God Bless,