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Cats diseases


In my area cats aren't required to have rabies shots.  So I have some questions. If a cat scratches a dog can the dog get a disease?  What if the dog bites the cat back?  Does the severity of the bite (puncture) matter?

If a cat scratches a dog, the dog can't get rabies.  But there are other diseases he could get.  One is bartonellosis, also called Cat Scratch Fever.  This is a bacterial infection which may cause swelling at the site of the scratch, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.  Though most patients fight it off on their own, it's generally recommended to treat with antibiotics.

A cat's nails do carry lots of bacteria, so other bacterial infections like staph and strep could also result from a cat scratch.

If the dog bites the cat back, then the severity of the puncture does matter.  Dog bites can cause internal damage because of the pressure of the jaw.  Any cat who's had a dog bite needs to see a vet.

Over 80% of bite wounds become infected.  This is because puncture wounds don't bleed, so bacteria stay trapped in the wound.  Additionally, the mouth harbors an incredible amount of germs, which are deposited into the bite wound.  The deeper the wound, the more likely infection is, although even superficial ones are prone to infection.  A cat is highly likely to develop an abscess due to a bite.  This is a pocket of infection.  Bacteria from abscesses can enter the bloodstream and infect the kidneys, liver and heart, thus causing organ failure.  A cat who receives a bite wound is probably best to be on antibiotic treatment, even if no sign of infection is present.  If an abscess is found, it will usually need to be drained manually or even surgically.