Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Budgie?



My partner loves cats and we have always had one or two.
I am more fond of birds and love budgies.
Would it be incompatible to get a bird with a cat in the house?
This cat is pretty old but has taken down a bird or two in the summer.
I am worried the cat will stare at the bird all day and try to get it terrorising the poor bird-unless I hang the cage from a ceiling hook or something!
Thanks for any advice!


I am sorry to be a bit late getting to this. Personally, I think the cat will find a way to get to the bird no matter where you put the cage.  The poor bird will be terrorized or eaten, eventually.  This is just in the nature of cats. In many cases where the birds are better able to take care of themselves, the cats learn to respect and avoid birds like Parrots, Cockatoos, Macaws, and the like.

This is just my opinion.

Best regards... Norm.