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Good idea to add a boy?



Currently I have two beautiful and well adjusted girl cat's. One is 3 and the other is 1. They get along well, we made sure to take our time when introducing them. Currently we are looking at adopting a little boy. He was stray and he needs a good home. My question is this: Is it okay to bring a boy into a home run by girls? He would be about 8 weeks and we would have him neutered as soon as he was old enough. I really want to give this little guy a home, I just don't want to unbalance my two girls. Any advice would be awesome! Thank you!


This is always difficult to surmise.  Whenever you introduce a new cat into a home with established cats, no matter how carefully you do it, you do change the dynamics of how the cats get along.  Normally things settle down and everyone does get along, but there is no guarantee that the original relationship between the two girls will remain unchanged.

In the worst case scenario, things will change and there will be some uproar and, even if the new kitty is removed form the situation, the two girls will probably not go back to the original relationship.

In the best case scenario, all three will get along famously!!!!!

If you do decide to introduce the 8 week old, I would do so very carefully over a period of a few days to a week to lessen the amount of initial uproar the new kitty will bring to the household.

Best regards... Norm.