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Declawing a cat


Hi there,

At what age is it acceptable to declaw a kitten? Do I have to wait for a certain time before I do?

Thank you.

Hey !

Before I answer this, I find declawing a cat is very cruel. If declawing can be avoided than it should by trying nail caps. A cats natural defense is it's claws and if you allow your cat outside than you should not declaw it as it puts your cat in danger since it has no natural defense beyond it's claws except biting.

Its acceptable to declaw a kitten over the age of 3-4 months. Declawing is very unacceptable and there are many alternatives and I do not believe in it nor do a lot of other people, when you declaw your cat you are taking away a piece of him that you cannot get back I suggest you do to this site and check this stuff out.