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My cat Lucy is under one and sometimes iworry about her... we got her almost a month ago and she goes into hiding all the time, and i don't understand... there is a  little place behind the dryer in the wall that she goes into and under the recliner that she loves... i know its dark places but he have bought her alittle house and toys she can go into but she rather go to those other places i brought up... what do i need to do... she will go into hiding and i may not see her for like a day or two.. oh and last week we got a puppy, both are going to stay in the house. they don't bother each other that much but when they do that start to fight.. what do i do..?  

Hi Mandy,
She is hiding because she feels safe. When she trusts you and feels safe outside of her hiding place, she will come out.  With a new puppy, she will probably not come out for a long time.  She already felt insecure and the introduction of a new puppy made it harder for her.  Eventually, with time and patience , along with lots of love she will come out. She may or may not get along with your dog.  Some cats do ok, others don't.  There's no way of telling at this point. Since she is so shy, it may take a long time.  Don't give up on her! She just needs some time to adjust.

God Bless,