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cat mating


i was just wondering, i have a 1 yr old female and have had her since a kitten, and she has been bought up with a 2yr old de sexed domestic cat, and they are great together. i recently bought a 2yr old male stud cat, and am trying to mate him with my female. however she just hisses at him and gets very angry every time she is close to him. i cant seem to get them to get along let alone mate. do you have any advice? as i have been bitten twice by him and am really sore and scared to go near him. does it normally take them a while to like each other?
any advice would be great.


Unless you female is in season, there will be no mating and the female will not appreciate the male's advances.

Secondly, I would be very leery of any cat you cannot trust.  Whole males can get very territorial and can go off on their owners.  If you are scared of him and he senses it, it will just make the whole situation worse.  I would consider finding another home for this whole male cat or have him neutered.  If you do have a breeding, do you want your kittens to have this male's temperament?

Best regards... Norm.