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strange biting behavior

20 16:41:45

for about a month now, my 5 yr old cat has been very sensitive in her lower back area.  it doesn't seem like it really hurts her but if i pet her or even touch it she starts to bite whatever is in front of her, even her own fur, little sharp bites?  her fur is so thick i can't see any kind of irritation or anything.  any ideas?

Hello Heidi,
Sorry for the delay in the reply.  I was out of town for the Easter holiday and just flew in last night.  It sounds like your kitty may need a vet visit.  Sensitivity in the lower back or hind region can sometimes mean hip or spine problems.  The biting may be a reaction to the discomfort she feels.  Usually parasites will incite an animal to bite at the area that is affected, not just biting at whatever is handy.  If this were my cat, I would make an appointment with her vet very soon, just to rule out any physical or medical problems.  Good luck with her, and again, sorry for the delay.
Thank you for your inquiry,