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Kitten foot sprain


My kitten is about six months old. 2 weeks ago she my wife heard a crash and our kitten was favoring/limping her back left leg. She didn't respond angrily when we touched her foot. There was also no sign of fracture or anything like that. it is 2 weeks later and she still favors the foot. She will use it sometimes. I can put full pressure on it from sides and top and bottom and there is only sometimes a small meow, but that is more from being annoyed. What should we do?


If it were my kitty, I would take it to the vet and have your vet check it out. Often cats can be very stoic about pain, so, to be on the safe side, please have it checked out.

After 2 weeks, with humans, sprains are usually better, fractures take 6 weeks, but I cannot tell you about cats.  If the bone is in the toe area, the usual advice is to confine the kitten to somewhere, they cannot jump on things and resprain or further injure the break. If the break is further up on the foot or higher, there may be more you have to do.

This is why you need to have a vet look at it.

Please let me know how your kitten fares at the vet.

Seasonal regards... Norm.