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optimum health with food


My regular old Himilain(sic)
doesn't let me hold him much...then I bought him a grooming first question is how much to hold him if he resists..I am getting him used to it gradually, it is my belief that it necessary to prevent matting...
He has responded well to Purina One as he wasn't urinating much after going to litter often.  I am real pleased to find large   (golf-ball sized +) I hear that there is a food called
UR that comes from a I have to have a prescription to buy it.  I am ready to take him in if I see him having anymore struggles...HE
WOULD HIDE UNDER THE BED FOR WEEKS if I take him out of the house.  What opinions would you like to share?  

Hello Marion,
Sorry to hear of your troubles.  The grooming mitt is a good grooming tool. Most cats will grow to enjoy the feel of being groomed with this.  If his coat is long, then it becomes necessary to use a comb to keep his coat untangled from skin to tip of coat.  Try scruffing him a little by the neck, like his mama carried him when he was a kitten.  This usually releases a certain amount of endorphins to help the cat relax.  Don't restrain him vigorously if he wants to leave.  Any interaction should be a positive one.
There are some diets that are for specific medical conditions that are only available by prescription through your vet.  There are other foods, that, while available at your vet's office, does'nt mean it is exclusive to vets.  Some foods, or the more natural alternatives, are also available at better pet stores.  There are products like 'Rescue Remedy', a natural solution, that offer some relief to a pet in a stressful situation.  It is commonly used in shelters and in rescued dog and cat situations. (Works for people too!)
Check around in your area to find a pet food supply shop, that has a knowledgeable staff concerning more natural solutions to common problems.  Male cats will have urinary tract issues sometimes, in varying degrees.  If he is drinking and urinating satisfactorily, then I would suggest looking a little deeper into the role that diet and nutrition have ,in many common ailments and to maintaining his health and well being.  
Hope this has been helpful, and thank you for your inquiry.