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Kitten Tail


We recently got a new kitten. We have a 4 year old cat, and they are getting along great. He was giving my wife some allergy symptoms at first, but I gave him a bath and that seemed to get better. But my real concern is the tip of his tail. It is completely without fur, and looks like a rat tail. He doesn't seem too sensitive about my touching it, but it does concern me. He is only 2 months old. Is there anything that I can do to help the fur grow back there, or do I need to take him into the vet? Thanks.  

I don't think it would be a bad idea to take him to the vet.  He's going to need to go anyway to get his vaccines, so you could ask them then.  Its possible that he himself had an allergy to something (fleas possibly) that made him chew on the end of his tail.  If the skin in that area appears normal, then I would be inclined to think that whatever caused the problem is gone and the hair will grow back in time.
