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Black spots in mouth

20 16:43:40

I adopted 2 feral cats 2 yrs ago. They both seem healthy and happy, if a little skittish around non-family members. The male cat has a few black spots (about 1 inch diameter) on his gums and roof of mouth - NOT on his teeth. He also has what looks like little specks of dirt embedded in the fur under his chin (it feels rough to the touch). Are either of these things cause for concern?  

i bet he is an orange striped cat huh. the spots on his gums are a natural thing that happens in orange striped cats , just keep an eye on them, they can, but rarely, turn into cancer. but its very rare.
the things on his chin are feline acne, yup zits!. if you are feeding him from a plastic bowl, that is whats causing it, you will need to change to either a glass bowl or a metal bowl. no big deal . sounds like he is a happy cat otherwise. nothing to worry about!