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home alone

20 16:39:58

I'll b taking a 7 day trip...which is best for my 8 yr. old cat?  Kennel (which she hates) or left at home (in and out of the garage) w/a friend checking in on her every few days?  Thanks for your input.....

If your cat was younger or indoors-only, I'd say leave her at home with a friend checking on her, but you really do not want to go away for that long with an outdoor cat. I strongly recommend a kennel. Yes, she will be unhappy, but she will be SAFE. How will you feel if something happens to her while yyou are gone, your friend can't find her to help, etc?

Also, when you get back, it might be an ideal time to try to transition her into more of an indoor cat. She'll be so glad to see you and get out of the cage that just being able to run around should be a relief and she might not try to hard to get out. Considering her age, this is really the best thing for her. Her reactions are not going to be as swift as they once were. The day may come when she can't outrun a car or a dog. Cats that live indoors have double the life expectancy of those that go out. Something to keep in mind.

Hope this helps
