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breeding bengals


hi i have recently purchased a male bengal kitten i have bought him as a pet .i am however really interesting in breeding these beautiful catsbut dont know really were to start,i want to get this right and make sure i do it properly so would be grateful for any help or advise you would give me.


If this Bengal was sold as a pet, is there not a neuter/spay agreement in the sales contract?

The proper protocol is to contact the breeder from whom you bought the cat and get permission to use him for a stud.

If the breeder agrees, he/she can mentor you in the proper procedures of having a cat for stud.  However, most whole males have some pretty nasty habits.  For example, they may go about peeing all over everything. In addition, some get very aggressive.  Most breeders who house a whole male find they need pretty good VERY washable facilities because of their untoward bathroom habits.

Best regards... Norm