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my cat and the bathtub


on my step daughters 1st birthday we adopted a kitten. Kiwi (the cat) has been a blessing in our home and shes so playful. we bath her once every two months because i herd that water can dry out their skin. She absolutly hates it but lately i have been catching her in the bathtub on her own and she gets the top of her head wet and then jumps out.  she had plenty of water in her water bowl and its the middle of winter and our heat doesnt always work so she not hot. why does she do this?

Hi Kassondra,

You really don't have to bathe cats unless they are show cats or get very dirty. They are clean creatures and need minimal upkeep in that matter. You can brush her out once a week to groom her. If you want to bathe her I would suggest doing this instead. One of easiest ways to wash a cat is just to take a washcloth and wet it; run it over the cat's fur. This won't upset her and will clean the fur.

It sounds like her bathtub behavior is nothing more than her drinking from running water there. Her head is getting wet from the faucet. Even though you have fresh water out for her she sounds like she wants the water fresh out of the tap. I have known other cats who will refuse to drink from a bowl and will only use a faucet. I add icecubes to my cats water. They love that. I wouldn't worry about this behavior. She sounds like she is doing fine.

Ciao, Karen