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my 4 month old kitten


i brought home a sister and brother kitten 3 days ago the little boy disappeared after being here 2 days do you think it can find its way back the little sister kitten keeps  meowing real bad like she is missing him

Hi Paula,

No the little kitten will be hiding VERY close - look under every shrub in your yard, up trees etc... and get fresh water and kitten food outside for him to keep him close.  He won't know where else to go so you'll have to look very close for him hiding somewhere.

Cats/kittens can get into anything 6" or bigger so under sheds, cars, small shrubs etc... you'll need to look very closely and quickly as he doesn't have alot of time to be lost!  He's too tiny to have too much energy to last, so please get out today and search every spot you can think of!

Let me know if you find him ok?  Your other option is going to be trapping for him, but you'll need to have lots of fresh water and kitty food outside for him right away so he can make it, and to keep him very close by!
