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Licking fingers



Our adopted, 2 year old male cat likes to lay on my chest first thing in the morning and lick each finger on both hands.  He does a very gentle chewing at the side of his mouth with some fingers too.  He purrs as he does this.  After all fingers are 'clean' he is content to start his day.  I don't mind his need to lick but am wondering why he would do this.  He will lick others fingers once in a while but particularly likes mine.  Thanks for your concern and effort.


The finger licking may be a result of being weaned too early and be a substitute for sucking on fingers as many kittens separated from mom too early develop these types of behavior. It's also possible that Bitty is just expressing his love through kisses....In fact having a cat lick you is actually a compliment because for the most part as far as they're concerned we just aren't as clean as they are!(after all, we don't bathe ourselves every half hour throughout the day)