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spay problem


hi thanks for reading my question,  so about a week ago we had our 6 mo old cat spayed everything went fine but now there is a hard lump where the cut was made. shes acting totally normal    and is jumping around and playing non stop. so i guess my question is, is that lump normal?


There are a few reasons for lumps and bumps to show up in the post surgical period after a cat is spayed or neutered. Some of the more common reasons could be anything from cysts, benign and malignant tumors, infections, and of course the cat's immune system reacting to the stitches inside her body. I really think that you should have that lump checked to ensure that there is nothing wrong with the surgery site. My guess is that it may be a reaction to the disolving stitches within the body, but I would really rather that your vet makes that determination in case there is an issue like infection or hernia present. I would say that you should be concerned enough to make sure that this kitty gets to the vet before the weekend just to verify that all is well. Like I said, my guess would be that your kitty is reacting slightly to the sutures within the abdomen, but it is better to have a qualified vet make that determination as lumps and bumps can be far more serious than the body reacting to sutures. Hopefully that answers your question. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.