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male cats attaking kittens


i recently got 2 kittens.i think they are about 4 weeks old, the mother cat braught them yesterday and kept them under my bed.they are doing ok,but yesterday i saw the father cat come upstairs and towards the bed.i'm worried i think he wants to attack u think male cats attack their kittens?because i had a kitten a few months ago and one night i heard her scream as if she were attaked and there are alot of cats in my neighbourhood. after that i never saw my u think she was killed/?how do i protect these kittens?does the mother constantly shift the places of the kittens?


I would keep the door closed, so no other cats can get to where the mama has her kittens.  She will be less prone to want to move them if no other pets or young children can get near her.  Of course, if you have to lock her in your bedroom, you will need to make sure she has access to a litter pan and feed and have her water there.

Best regards... Norm.