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My cats got a bad attitude


We have two cats, one felix, is my cat he was born in our house from our old cat which passed away, he's like a dog, loves to be pet and rubbed, needs to sleep with someone, just really the biggest mush of a cat you'd ever see, the other cat is my sisters which she got while up in college then came home  with and the cats been living here for a couple of years now. Felix is a tuxedo, Pete my sisters cat is a tiger cat. Pete's got a bad attitude 90% of the time, if you pet him he'll tolerate it for about 30 seconds then bite and hiss, sometimes if you walk by him he'll hiss and attack your leg, he gets into occasional bouts with felix and loses, and when they are in a fight, felix usually just lays on his back and gently swaps his paw as if playing, while pete is hissing and snapping. I feel bad for the cat because one. i obviously show more affection to felix since he embraces it, and 2. i think though felix is the friendlier cat he is the dominant one of the house since he always wins the battles. I try to develop a relationship with pete but scratching his head or petting him turns into him hissing drawing my blood. Is he just a nasty cat or is there something i can do? oh yeah the only time pete ever shows affection is when he's outside.


If this is a recent behavioral change it could indicate that Pete is ill, if this has been going on for some time Pete may actually have some sort of chronic pain or illness, it would be best for him to see a vet as soon as possible. If this is a long standing behavioral issue and no medical cause can be found ask your vet what the options are to modify his behavior and make him a better companion. Treatment could be as simple as neutering the cats and avoiding sexually based aggression or as complicated as anti anxiety drugs and a behavior modification program that provides consistant consequences for scratching, biting or fighting such as a loud noise or a squirt of water from a plant misting spray bottle that has not been used for any chemicals. I hope that this helps, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contactme again.