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cat puking


Hi I'm not really sure if you can help but i thought i would ask female cat Gracie shes about 3 years old and she pukes up her food almost everytime she eats..but not everytime shes eating purina ONE's sensitive systems formula and that hasn't stopped the puking i was just wondering if maybe you had some ideas on why she might be puking


I would suggest that you take kitty to the vet for a full work up including blood and urine panels. It is possible that your cat has intestinal parasites, all kittens are born with parasites passed down from their mothers, if Gracie hasn't been properly dewormed then that might be a good place to start. If the vet finds nothing wrong in the blood work there are a few other possibilities. Your cat might be constipated or have a fur ball that is stubbornly staying put. If the problem is constipation or a fur ball your vet may suggest a fur ball remedy available at pet stores or even offer a formula sold in his/her office. Your cat's problem may just be that she is in too much of a hurry to eat her food. You could try to correct this by feeding very small but frequent meals (about 4-5 times a day). Another option that may work is placing food in several different places around the house so that her meals are like a treasure hunt. Some cats for whatever reason just refuse to slow down. As long as your vet says that Gracie is healthy and is aware of the frequent vomiting then I wouldn't be too overly concerned. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.