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Rear discharge?

20 16:44:01

Hi Lisa. I have three cats from same litter(1 & 1/2years old) their mother was my cat too. They are a mix of several breeds. The two orange ones are fixed(broken actually). The black one(Al Lee)is not fixed. Al has had a discharge for a few months now that looks like pieces of over cooked flat spaghetti noodles. I give them deworming medicine now and then. Al has had no shots. They are all fed well. I give them nearly raw meat(deer,cow,fish) now and then as a treat. Al appears to be fine except for trying to jump his sister very roughly, without her permission. Does this sound familiar? They are outdoor/indoor cats.

ok the flat things that look like spaghetti noodles are tapeworm segments that the worm is shedding as it grows. there is a simple pill, given in dosage according to the cats weight that the vet can give you for this. if you dont have him treated for the tape worm it will eventually kill him. i mean like not in a week or takes years for a tape worm to kill something but it will. as for him mounting his sister....get him fixed!!! he doesnt need the sexual urges and she doesnt need to be bothered by him trying to have sex with her.he will also calm down and not roam so much if he is neutered. or is it spayed...i always forget which is for the boy. good luck! time for a trip to the vet. actually you can have him fixed and dewormed all in the same trip.