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FLEAS !!!!

20 16:44:01

I've got a large, Male persian.

I've had him for several years now, and untill this year i've never encountered a problem with fleas.

I've use all kinds of sprays on the house, ie; carpet, bedding, furniture, and the topical drops for him -biospot-  I even doubled the dosage and their still a problem!!!

What can I do?

Everyone hates a flea!  They can be quite difficult to get rid of once they have set up housekeeping!  The only way to fully eradicate them, is to rid the cat AND the enviornment of them.  Take your kitty to a groomer to begin the process of 'de-fleaing'. (Preferably use a vari kennel to transport the cat, to minimize any flea activity spreading into the car.) A good bath with a good shampoo will kill all the fleas on the cat. Be sure and go over the cat with the groomer to be sure he is 'flea free' before you leave the shop. While he is at the groomers, bomb the entire area, and wash all the bedding, or have the house professionally treated, which is actually worth every dime!  Because the hatch cycle for a flea is ten days, and there is NOTHING short of nuclear lasers that will kill the cocoon stage of the flea, it is necessary to re-treat in 10 days.  If you had a professional service do it, call them in 10 days and tell them you would like to be re-treated.  Most will offer this at no additional charge.  If you did the work yourself, then re-washing the bedding and using the sprays, should be sufficient.  After the cat comes home from his grooming day, apply Advantage or Frontline topicals.  Be sure you buy them from a reputable source (favorite pet shop or vet), and that they are applied properly, parting the hair between the shoulder blades and making a little stripe toward his spine. DO NOT go past the point that he can REACH when he licks his coat. There are alot of topical flea and tick drops on the market.  In my own professional experience, I have found that Frontline is the better and Advantage is very good.  Frontline will last thru bathing and water, while Advantage washes off with water..even rain water!  Frontline is longer lasting.  I am not a representive for them, I just know they work better!  Never ever double dose a chemical product on a cat. Most products are designed to work within the prescribed dosage.  Giving any more is actually wasted.  More of the product does not help, it just over doses a toxin onto the cats skin and into his system.  Cat's can be rather sensitive to toxic things, which is why you should never ever use  a chemical 'dip' on a cat.  Be sure ANY product you get for cats is labeled that it is safe for kitties.  Once the enviornment is completely flea free, it is safe for the cat to come home, flea free as well. A very effective natural way to maintain a flea free enviornment is simple table salt...27c a box.  Just sprinkle it around the carpeting, it goes down into the fibers and will not harm the carpeting.  Then when you vacuum, just reapply the salt treatment.  It serves to dehydrate flea eggs.  Keep a flea collar in your vacuum bag (NEVER around your pet's neck!) to kill anything live you may be vacuuming up!  That's about the only thing a flea collar is good for!  Hopefully this will help in getting 'hopper-free'!  Good luck!
And thank you for your question.