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Help my cat is being nasty to her kittens!


I have a problem with my 2yr old bengal cross.  She had kittens back in April and turned from quite an aloof, distant cat to a really friendly fantastic Mum.  However 6mths later and with only 2 of the 5 kittens remaining, she has gone back to her old ways of disappearing off for hours and hours and in general not particularly wanting to be fussed or to spend any time with us at home - this I can deal with, however what is alarming me is that over the last week or so she appears to have turned on her own kittens.  Whenever she comes home they tend to rush to great her, no doubt expecting her usual fond greating (lots of licking and fussing), however what they are actually getting is her growling rather loudly at them in warning and if they dont move off she tends to give them a good hard swipe before running off muttering to herself.  The kittens are left bewildered, she seems really angry and i'm getting really upset about the whole thing.  What can I do to make her love them again?!  As you may have gathered I had decided to keep these 2 kittens (thinking rather foolishly that she would like it as much as I do!) and it would break my heart to let any of them go.  Is there any way that this issue can be resolved.  Please help me!

Kind regards


Hi Paula,

She sounds like she has has enough of being Mom and wants to be left alone. Some moms do this to break all bonds with their offspring. Don't worry, this is normal for her. The kittens will get over this. This is a very good time for you to really bond with the kittens.

Neutering the kits will also help. She looks at them now as rivals. She will be fine with them then. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen