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cat intelligence


we have had cats for years but the Burmese cat I have is probaly the most intelligent. My question is: are  Burmese more intelligent than any other breed? Thank you Paul


This is a very ggod question.

Like people, there are indivdual cats within a given breed that seem more or less intelliget than the norm for that breed.

As a rule, people seem to think the more active breeds have higher intelligence than the less active breeds.  Having said that, there is no certfied measure of cat intelligence and this general rule may be very anthropomorphic.

I will tell you that in feline agility, all breeds have done very well or very poorly as the case may be.

So, in final answer, until there is a credible defintion of what might be meant by cat intelligence ansd a way to measure it, any comment anyone will make about the subject is, at best, speculation.

Having said that, many cats at home alone have lots of time to get themselves into and out of all kinds of situations.  Mostly, they stumble on finding ways to open things up purely by happenstance and tenacity.  Does this make them more or less intelligent?

Good question for which I do not have a good answer.  However, to have some fun, do a Google search on Cat Intelligrence and see what other people think.

Best regards... Norm.