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Mother cat behavior toward kittens.


I am very concerned about my mama cat.  She is a torty with two of her 7 kittens left at home.  They are 3 1/2 months old, both females.  The mama is in heat and has become very aggressive toward her kittens.  She hisses, smacks at them.  They are terrified of her.  Is this normal.  She has an appointment in a week to get neutered but got outside.  She won't come back in the house if she sees the kittens.  If they try to come near her she attacks.  I'm very worried.


This is very normal.  Your female is having a lactation heat and they kittens should be weaned by 3.5 months of age, so, once she is spayed, all should be OK.

Cats in season can get very "moody", so the behavior is not surprising.  Hopefully, once she is no longer in season and spayed, all should be more peaceful.

Please let me know what happens,

Best regards... Norm.