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prego cat


QUESTION: hello  ,
 my cat is pregnant but im not sure how far along she is. You can feel the babys moving and she has alot of milk in her.this is her first litter and she is only 1 year old. how far along do you think she is?
ANSWER: Hi Helen, It is really hard to tell how long she is with just so little information. do you know when she was in heat? When did you first feel the kittens moving? When did her milk come in?
If you can get back to me then I can give you a better answer.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm not sure when she was in heat.i noticed she was pregnant about 2 weeks ago because a could fell the babes moving and there was milk starting to come in.

Hi Helen, Well I would say that she has about another week to go then. Sometimes it looks like they just can't get any bigger and then it is about 4-5 days after that point that they deliver! You should probably think about getting a nice box ready for her to deliver in. Put it in a dark quiet place for her and see if she starts spending time in it. That is also a good indicator that she is due within a week.