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pergnant cat


I have a cat who is about a year old... she is pregnant and should be having them soon. My puppy attacked her the other day and shook her up a little. Afterwards she ran and hid under the bed and there was a funny smell coming from her and in the spot that it happened there was a little drop of poo. I am wondering if something could have happended to the kittens inside of her, what are the signs?

Hi Anna, If she has not passed the kittens yet then they were probably ok after the dog attack. You would smell poo because she was so scared that she passed some. I would really make sure the dog cannot get anywhere near her. She will be looking for a place to have her kittens soon and she will need to feel safe in that space or she will not be a very good mother for the kittens. If she feels that the dog can get her then she will be always trying to move the kittens and may injure or even kill them. Please keep him outside or completely away from her until the kittens are old enough to leave home.