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Jinx is 2 years old, has had 2 litters (last year) and is not fixed. she has gone into heat for the 4th time this year and as much as I hate it I have to get her fixed. How long after she is out of heat can I have her fixed?

Hi Ken.  Sorry for the lateness, I've been really sick this week.  

You're doing the right thing by having your little girl spayed.  It's the best for her health, and you won't ever have to worry about a rise in the pet population because of your cat.  That's something that helps me get through the day at work - none of the stray cats are from any of mine.  

Anyway - usually about 2 weeks after she is out of season is good.  Double check that with your vet, just to be sure, and book the appointment as soon as you can.

Good luck, and give Jinx a tummy rub for me!