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Growling and Hissing


Hello! We have just moved to a new house. I have a British Shorthair Cat and she has begun to hiss at what appears to be nothing and growl at herself.  She can be very loving and spends time sitting and sleeping on my partner and myself. She has a companion who is an older moggy and the move does not seem to have disturbed him. She has recently had some limited time outside but does not appear to like it. I have checked for fleas and worms and treated for both but nothing appears to be wrong there. She does motion toward her feet and tail but I have checked these and there does not appear to be anything wrong either. She can be talked to and this appears to calm her. I've also tried Feliway Hormones and this has helped a little. Any advice welcomed!

Hi Sally,

It sounds like she is a little stressed out from going outside. Keep up with the Feliway. Show her lots of affection. She will get over her hissy fits when she feels all settled in. She had a double whammy; the move and then the great outside. It should take her about two weeks to clam down. Don't let her back outside. You are doing both of you a disfavor when you let her out. Some cats are not made for going out. Yours sounds like one of them. If she doesn't calm down in two weeks time, write back and I'll tell you the next steps. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen