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breeding age


QUESTION: i have a 1 yr old male ragdoll seems depressed and crying, i have an offer of a 6 yr old female ragdoll , is she too old to breed?

ANSWER: Susan,

Ragdolls are a very slow maturing breed, so a 6 year old female should have no problem having kittens.  How long ago did she have her last litter?

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: last litter was about 8 months ago.
I have another ragdoll male, who isnt interested in the oppersite sex at all, is this usual?


How old is the other Ragdoll male? On some of the slower maturing breeds I have seen it where the males do not get interested until they are 2 or 3 years of age.  Every once in a while, you run into a male who never gets interested.

Best regards... Norm.