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Kitten care--our runt


QUESTION: We have 4 kittens who are 4 or 5 weeks old.  3 are fine.  The runt, Black Jack, is literally 1/2 the size of the other kittens.  His right fore leg isn't strong at all.  Yes, the kitten can get around but would rather walk backwards b/c it is easier.  
The mama won't feed him and his eyes mat shut everytime he sleeps.  I use a warm wash cloth and help him see. We finally brought him in for fear that he wouldn't make it outside just yet.
How often should he be fed?  What should we feed him and how much?
Thank you for your help!


ANSWER: Hi Daisy,

You are doing the right thing with that kitten. Here's a great link for what you need to do.
Find the kits age and do what it says. I am attaching my recipe for Kitty Glop. Feed him this. It will help fatten him up. Keep a watch on him with the eye. You may want to have your vet take a look at him. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen


1 can evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed)
2 tbsp. plain yogurt (not low or non fat)
2 tbsp. mayonnaise (real not light or No-Fat)
1 tbs. Karo Syrup (light)
1 pkg. Knox unflavored gelatin
1 egg yolk (beaten,)
1 cup Pedialyte (unflavored)
1- 2 jars Stage One Baby food (chicken or turkey)

Mix milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, baby food, and syrup together well. Bring 1 cup pedialyte to boil and mix in Knox gelatin. Set aside. Mix egg yolk with small amount of milk mixture and beat well.

Add gelatin and pedialyte to milk mixture and beat well. Add in egg yolk mixture and beat well. Remember to not use egg substitute and keep egg white to a minimum.

Pour into bowl (with cover) and set in refrigerator. Glop will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator. Try freezing the mixture in ice cube trays and store the cubes in the freezer, thaw as many as needed.
Always warm glop to room temperature ,(milk form), or a little warmer, before feeding.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have another question, it has fleas.  I found a website today that said at this age to submerge the kitten in water, except his head, wash with some Dawn gently and keep it warm and dry.  I was feeding him a little while ago and saw another flea.  I know the cycles of their life b/c I am researching like crazy.

And, it hasn't had a BM in 2 days.  He will urinate if stimulated, but I just want him to have a BM.  
I have another child now.
Thank you so much for your help.
Daisy Mann

Hi Daisy,

Here's what you do to get rid of fleas on young kits. Use Dawn dish washing liquid. Water it down to about 2/3 water and 1/3 Dawn liquid. Saturate the kitty with the mixture. Be careful not to get it in his eyes or mouth. Rub it into his fur really well. Used a gentle flow of warm water to thoroughly rinse him. Wipe his face and ears with a damp washcloth. Then wrap him in a towel and get most of the water off him. Then wrap him in a clean dry towel.

If you are very careful and talk to him all the while, he will not be traumatized by a bath, and you'll be rid of the fleas too. The Dawn kills them instantly. Comb him through afterwards with a flea comb to remove dead fleas.

Don't put the kitty in a basin of water or submerge him; set him on a safe surface to do the bathing. Use something like a plastic chair or table set in the bathtub. Or if you use your sink use a small basin turned upside down.  Place a flat sponge or towel under him so he can grab onto that,(it gives him traction). Then rinse him in the same place. They are more afraid of being submerged in water than of the water being dipped or sprayed on them gently.

If you are feeding him the Kitty Glop, water it down a little. You can also add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to the mixture. If you are using something else, you still have to water it down a little. If he doesn't go by day 3 he needs to go to the vet. Sometimes kits take 2 days to have a BM. This is OK. It is a problem if it is longer than 2 days. Do not try to give him an enema at home. Human enemas can kill him.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen