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cat muscle spasm


I really need your help. Our 6mth old kitty , has been getting what seems to be some sort of muscle spasm in his rear left leg. while walking he falls to the floor  After maybe 5 or 10 seconds, he is fine again but shaken up a bit and has stoped playing 90% of the time  while he sits, there is no problem only when he walks. he has been fixed and it started a few days after this  When we brought the cat to the vet he didn't know what it was & he has never seen this before. He eats and drinks ok
Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.


It seems to me this may be a temporary side effect of the anaesthesia.  Usually these side effects only last a few days to a couple of weeks, but I am not a vet, so I can only speculate.

There is a really good e-mail list on health related matters for cats called Fanciers Health. Send an e-mail to to subscribe.  There are some super vets and plenty of people who might also be able to answer health questions.

My guess is that the muscle spasms will subside.

Best regards... Norm.