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cat fights


I have a cat who will fight anything that comes in her yard.
She rarely wonders off and if she does it is always just a short distance.
She is not a friendly cat in that she instantly leaves her perch if anyone comes to the house.
My question is this: do cats defecate when they fight.
I have never noticed before until our cat attacked a cat right outside our front door and there was a good bit of "poop" after the fight.
Thank you for your answer.

generally as a rule no they don't. However if a cat is particularly frightened during a fight then this may cause loose bowels.

The other possibility is that cats will often used their poop as a extra strong scent and territory marker. It may well be that after the fight one of the cats uses their poop to mark the area to say to other cats hey don't mess with me this is my patch.

best wishes Kate