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im scared & confused please help??


my cat callie that is 9 months old just gave bith to 6 kittens everything is fine but she is trying to bite them,she keeps going after their necks?im really scared & i dont know if she is trying to hurt them?please help...thank you

Is she just biting them or is she trying to move them? Mom's gently pick up their kittens by grabbing them at the neck/upper back using their teeth/mouth. Since she is so young herself, she may just be fumbling with attempting to move them in this way.  However, its not uncommon for a too young mom cat to reject her litter. She simply doesnt know what to do and you have to help. You need to buy kitten formula and supplement her feeding them, NOT MILK - that can cause diarrhea which can be fatal. It has to be kitten formula. You can buy a bottle made for kittens and puppies to use. This way you can be certain that the babies are getting the nutrition they need. Also keep an eye on the mom. Give her extra special attention and do this in front of her babies. Also give her one on one time as well. So long as she is not hurting the babies, you just need to make sure that they are well fed and healthy. If she starts to hurt them, keep them separated from the mother but then you will have to feed them every 3 hours around the clock till they are about 6 weeks old and are able to go onto solid foods. Last, has she been to the vet? Have the kittens been? You should be sure they are all in good health to rule out any health issues that could cause her to react negatively toward her kittens.

I have to ask the question, how did she end up pregnant? Was she a stray you found pregnant? Or do you let her out and haven't had her spayed? What is done is done but please, at this point, take her to the vet and have her spayed. It is extremely important. Also if you keep the kittens, please have them all spayed or neutered by 6 months old. If you hve males and females together, you can have the males neutered earlier at 5 months old to ensure there are no pregnancies, and then have the females spayed at 6 months old. I cannot stress the urgency of this enough. If you give the kittens away, please pass this on to the new owners.