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Cat HOusing


can i put my new adopted kitten (from a shelter) in an outdoor kennel? it will be very spacious and roomy, it will have a cathouse that will protect against extreme hot or cold temps, it will have food, water ,toys, and the kitten will recieve lots of attention. i may also take it out for walks to let it get more exercise. i cannot bring the kitten inside the house due to severe allergies that others' have, but it will be treated the best way possible outside. please help, i really want this kitten.

Hi Marc,

Is the outdoor kennel completely enclosed? Can anything get at it? And exactly how big of a kennel are you talking about? Here's a link that has some ideas.

This is a pretty good outdoor cat house. And coupled with the heater it will make a good sleeping shelter.

You need to visit it a lot. Or better yet get another kitten to keep them both company. This is important reading too.

And you really need to ask yourself why are you getting this kitten if you are going to keep it away from you. You might want to rethink this. But if you do get it make sure it gets its vaccines. And also make sure you get it neutered. If you are set on getting it, get a companion for it. Think of how you would be locked away from everyone and all alone most of the time. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen