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aggressive mother cat


i have three cats - a mother and her two kittens. when we first got them the mother would curl up with her and groom them. now she growls at them and lashes out when they get near her. they've all been neutered. we've had them for two and a half months. the mother is about fourteen months old and the kittens are seven months old. i'm not sure what the best thing is to do.


Mom is simply asserting her authority over the kittens, leave it alone for now. If things escalate to actual fighting then you can try using a homeopathic remedy called Bach's Rescue Remedy to help things calm down. Rescue Remedy is a blend of flower essences designed to calm and reassure, it's very safe and is often used by some veterinarians and pet parents worldwide to treat traumatized, abused, fearful or anxious pets. I would recommend a dose of 5-7 drops of Rescue Remedy be added to a fresh bowl of water each morning as needed. You can usually find Rescue Remedy in health food stores, naturopathic pharmacies, some mainstream pharmacies in the nutritional supplement section and I believe that you can also purchase this product online.