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Extremely Needy Cats


My husband and I have two extremely needy cats who want constant attention all day long.  They are brothers and are in-door cats, but regardless of how many toys they have they want constant petting and attention.  They follow us around all day long.  They sit and stare at us and meow.  It is getting worse over the years rather than better.  They are now "7" years old.  Do you have any suggestions as to how to stop this and why they are like this?  Thanks so much for your help.

Just like people, some cats can be attention hogs.  I don't think there is going to be much you can do.  If you ignore them they are likely to meow until you give in.  But if you really want to break them of it, then ignoring them may be something you have to do.  I wish I could be more help, but provided they are healthy cats otherwise, it sounds like they just love you and your husband and so crave your constant attention.
