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Insecure Cat



I recently moved out from my parents house where I lived for twenty one years. A few years ago we adopted two cats into our home. My parents will be traveling for a month or so and asked if I would babysit the two cats. One cat (Neo) is very laid back, and friendly (a little lazy too). The other (Pip) however can be sometimes irrational and hard to predict. Pip will often display dominance over Neo, always eating first and picking fights with him. Don't get me wrong, Pip can be very affectionate, but often times he will be purring and rubbing his head all over us when all of a sudden he will attack and become very upset. Hissing and puffing up his fur. Other minor things will provoke him to become agitated... such things as a new coat he hasn't seen before... the potato bag being placed in a different location will just get him absolutely spooked and traumatized for days. When new people arrive in our home, it is as if he is confused between being affectionate and territorial, often purring and being sociable and then suddenly hissing and growling and even crying. I'm worried that when he is introduced to our new environment it will be too much stress for him. Do you have any advice as to what is going on here and how I can make it easier for him to adapt?

well some cats are just more unpredictable and weary than others. Al the behaviour you have mentioned is completely normal for some cats.

As for the temporary move, all i can suggest is that you take a look at my web pages about moving this will help to settle the cat into the new home as it gives him less to cope with space wise, you may have to keep him confined for several days then slowly introduce him to other parts of the home. Don't forget to transfer his scent around the home first.

here is my web page

Best wishes