Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > fighting



QUESTION: i moved in with some people and they have cats and i have cats we have lived together for over two months and our cats are still fighting really bad is there any way to stop the behavior?

ANSWER: Shannon,

Are you sure they are fighting?  Cats will play awfully roughly and make a lot of noise.  As long as there is no blood drawn, I would grit my teeth and ignore it.  The worst thing to do, if you want the cats to get along is to interfere in any way!  Do not separate them, discipline them, etc. or it will prolong their getting along.  

If the cats play chase and then get into "fights", this is actually a good thing.  Rarely will cats hurt each other!!!!!

With new cats, older than kittens, moving into a household with established cats, it can take a few months for everything to settle down.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the problem with the fighting is that sometimes there is blood drawn its getting rediculous.


Then the only thing I feel you can do is to send the aggressive one to a new home without any other cats.  If they are to the point where they are drawing blood, it is time to put a permanent stop to it.  IT may be that neither one would make a suitable buddy for any other cats.

Sorry I cannot be more optimistic.

Best regards... Norm.