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My cat went to the vet last night and he said what she was was just moody she hasnt been spayed but shes never acted like this before all she does is sleep the vet said cats are good at masking problems her temperature was normal but she has hig protien levels in her blood he said something like it could or could notbe an indication of anti biotics the vet said she was fine but i still sense something isnt right am i over reacting I think she has an infection  the vet said she had no porblem jumping up on the chair she still plays she seems better but im not sure he said its not unusual for cats tobe in a certain mood for months and then suddenly snapp out of it should i trust him because he probably knows more than i do what do u think cuz he said she was healthy just had high protein in herblood and shes using the litter box alot but shes playing like normal  

If this were my cat, I would ask for a copy of her test results and get a second opinion. Did the vet do a urinalysis? With increased urination, there could be a problem with her kidneys and this would be consistent with higher protein levels in the blood. Did he do a stool sample? This is also important to rule out parasites.

Also, is her appetite changing? Does she eat less than usual? Drink more water? And finally, how old is she? If she is over 6 or under 2, and there is a change in her appetite/drinking, I think you really need a second opinion. Write back and give me a little more detail if you want. I won't be able to check email again for a day or two, though.
