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Behavioral Problem


Our female cat is 13 yrs and regularly uses cat box. However, in the last few months she has taken to irregularly peeing or defecating in the bathtub. She has been tested by the vet and given a clean bill of health. We clean her box daily and have made no changes in location, sand, or box type.  

We're painting and updating the bathroom, so the toilet tank is sitting in the tub covered by an old shower curtain.  Our cat actually eliminates on the plastic curtain....more than once. We can't figure out when she does this as she's in and  out of the house during the day, but stays at night. She has unencumbered access to her box at night.

What can we do to change this behavior? My husband suggested  shutting the bathroom door so she can't get in, but I worry that she'll find another location.


At age 13, your cat is considered geriatric.  So, there may be a series of causes for this behavior.  For bathtub behavior (not uncommon) denying access usually works.  I would be vigilant and see if she does decide to go elsewhere, but the denial of access works most of the time.

Also, I am including a URL to an excellent article on inappropriate housesoiling by cats.  It may have further ideas and suggestions.

What I would also suggest is that anywhere she has gone inappropriately, you need to clean it up with an enzyme based product specifically for pet odors and pet stains.  These are usually available from pet supermarkets or farm stores.

Best regards... Norm.