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Cat and Dog


I have a healthy happy 4 year old female cat. I am considering getting a small adult dog in the future, but not if it is likely to permanently upset my cat. Is my cat too old to adapt? How long should a trial run with a new dog go before I decide upon its sucess or failure? Any other advice?


I would suggest isolating the dog for awhile and slowly under controlled circumstances introduce the two providing positive reinforcement for each when they exhibit tolerance towards each other. It will be a slow process, and it will require patience so you should be prepared for a few weeks of upset. The biggest concerns that I would have is either party hurting the other, so keep an eye out for aggression that isn't letting up. A swat or two from the cat would not be unreasonable, keep an eye on the dog just to be sure that he doesn't bite or aggravate the cat because if he does the cat will not tolerate it. Rough treatment on the part of the dog towards the cat will be severely punished by swats and claws. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.