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my cat???


hello. I have a kitten that I know has alot of siamese in it. It looks better than some pics on the net. I just dont' know what kind siamese it may be. she is not an applehead, she has blue eyes, but not that squinted, she has a dark face, ears, tail, on her leg/paws, front a slightly lighter than her other points, one dark spot on back heal. Her body is slightly longer haired and mostly white with a dusty dark color fading in from the dark points.  Can someone tell me how to tell the difference between all types of siamese eap. chocolate and lilac, I am guessing she maybe one of those. I live in Kentucky, Any listing for siamese breeders needed to.



One way to tell is by looking at the nose leather and paw pads.

Here are color descriptions from the Cat Fanciers' Association, inc. (CFA) Siamese standard:


SEAL POINT: body even pale fawn to cream, warm in tone,
shading gradually into lighter color on the stomach and chest.
Points deep seal brown. Nose leather and paw pads: same
color as points. Eye color: deep vivid blue.

CHOCOLATE POINT: body ivory with no shading. Points milk chocolate
color, warm in tone. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon-
pink. Eye color: deep vivid blue.

BLUE POINT: body bluish white, cold in tone, shading gradually
to white on stomach and chest. Points deep blue. Nose leather
and paw pads: slate colored. Eye color: deep vivid blue.

LILAC POINT: body glacial white with no shading. Points frosty
grey with pinkish tone. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender pink.
Eye color: deep vivid blue.

I hope this helps.

Best regards... Norm.