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Sores on my cats head and itching all over


My cat Kami, is about 8 yr old she is very well taken care of and is very friendly.I have one other cat and a dog that loves her dearly. She is an indoor cat she will go outside with me once in a while but never goes far from me. She has not been out for the winter.
She just started itching all over I noticed this behavior a few day ago. I looked closer today and noticed she has sores on her head right above here both eyes and tonight i found one in her ear. What do you think this is and what causes this. She also has a few bump on her neck they feel like pimples. Please help if you can.

Hi Judy,
Actually, what you describe sounds like a flea allergy. Some dogs will go crazy over just one flea.  She could also have an allergic reaction to something.  Buy a flea comb and go over her whole body. If it is fleas, get rid of them.  If it's not fleas, a medicated shampoo will help, but some cats are hard to bathe. You may need to take her to a Vet if this doesn't clear up.  If it's an allergy of some kind, she might need meds to clear it up.

God Bless,