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pure bred siamese that keeps me up all night


I have had my seal lynx color point short hair for twelve years.  He is like a child to me, but now that he is getting older he keeps me up all night with loud meow and loud purring.  He is very spoiled with affection and is literally by my side every chance he gets. He sleeps on my feet, but when he decides to wake up he wakes the house up with extremely loud crying and than purring.  It has gotten so bad my boyfriend is threatening to move out of the house we own.  I am at a complete loss on what to do??  My red Abyssinian is quite and does not bother us at night at all..  
    Thank you,

Hi Nicole.  Since the problem has become so severe, I would consult a vet.  Siamese may be predisposed to separation anxiety.  One of the most common symptoms is excessive vocalization when their owner is not home or is asleep.  He may need an antidepressant to help calm him down.

Another possibility would be Cognitive Dysfuction.  This is similar to human Alzheimer's.  It's caused by plaque build-up in the brain.  And most cases in cats are diagnosed because the cat stops using the litter box or starts crying at all hours of the night.  There's not any test for it really, and diagnosis is based on symptoms when all other possibilities have been ruled out.  There is a treatment labeled for dogs that is being used in cats, called Anipryl.  It slows the progression of the disease in most cases and even reverses it in some, but nothing can cure Cognitive Dysfunction.  If your kitty is only twelve, he's a little on the young side for this.  It's commonly seen in cats 15 and older.